Engineering Services
Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing
Research and Development In the Physical, Engineering and Life Sciences (Except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)
Plastic Engineering

Mission & Vision:
At PEI, we succeed at developing innovative and affordable manufacturing processes, high quality products that meet all requirements, are reliable and enable our customers to save weight without compromising performance.
PEI also is dedicated to transitioning technologies from our Small Business Innovative Research projects to products that reach TRL-9 and transition to the warfighter and fielded for our customers.
We fully understand our role in the DoD and commercial industry supply chain and are proud to set an example as a small businesses in this industry.
About PEI
Pacific Engineering, Inc. (PEI), is an one stop, engineering, design, modeling and simulation, and manufacturing company headquartered in Roca, NE.
PEI has been performing engineering design services, product development, prototyping and manufacturing complex, high strength, light weight, composite and metal components since 1998.